
Free Resources
for at home

Looking for resources to get kids moving at home? We're here to help! You may use any of these resources to teach remotely, start your own at-home PE class, or just enjoy walking or jogging together as a family.

At-Home Movement Cards (English and Spanish)5 - 10 minute activity cards to do at home with the whole family!

Summer Games for Kids: Check out these 6 games to play at home with your child during the summer.

Run and Read (English and Spanish): Keep both your body and brain active by running or walking 26.2 miles, and reading 26 books. Download a free log to keep track of your progress!

Walk and Talk (English and Spanish): Turn family walks around the neighborhood into quality connection time with your kids with our free conversation starters. These wide-ranging topics and questions are designed to stimulate fascinating conversations with kids of all ages (and as you walk and talk, you’re covering miles to check off on your mileage log!).

Activity Log: Five minutes of heart-pumping physical activity is the same as running a quarter-mile. Use this fun log to walk the dog, skip, or ride your bike to reach your 26.2-mile goal!

Photo Scavenger Hunt: Enjoy an active hunt around your backyard or neighborhood!

Marathon Kids Mileage Log (English and Spanish): Print off one log for each member of the family and stick them on the fridge! Kids and adults can use these logs to track their cumulative mileage on family walks or runs. You can set a goal of covering a marathon (26.2 miles) or more over the next three weeks, and work toward it together!

Mini Mileage Log: For an easier challenge, try these five-mile logs! Use these little cards to track all physical activity, not just running. 20 minutes of heart-pumping exercise equals one mile. If a child does five minutes of jumping jacks, for example, they can color in one-quarter of a track.

Fun Warm-Ups: Before you start walking or running with your kids, don’t forget to warm up your bodies first! These activities are guaranteed to make both children and adults giggle as they get their blood pumping.

Running Games: These games require little to no equipment and are a good time for kids (and kids-at-heart) of all ages. They’re a great way to switch things up and keep exercise fun for everyone. (Some rules may need to be adjusted for families to play at home.)

Agility Games: Try these games that kids and adults alike will enjoy playing at home!

Cool Down Activities: After you work out, it’s always smart to cool down slowly to prevent injuries. Stretch your muscles as a family and show your children how to prepare for the next workout.

Looking for more? Check out our free resources for PE teachers!

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