
girls movement program

A new initiative establishing running clubs tailored exclusively for 4th through 8th grade girls as they navigate the crucial transition through middle school.

Empowering Girls Through Running

The Girls Movement, powered by Marathon Kids, is a FREE program dedicated to empowering girls through running. Marathon Kids is actively recruiting enthusiastic individuals to lead and mentor female running clubs for 4th to 8th-grade girls. 

The Girls Movement fosters safe, and positive environments for girls to have their own space where they can build confidence, self-esteem, social skills, and friendships.

Through this program, girls discover the power of movement for their overall well-being and develop healthy habits. With alarming statistics highlighting the need for intervention to keep girls active, The Girls Movement is here to make a difference.

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Girls drop out of sports at twice the rate of boys by age 14.

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85% of adolescent girls fail to meet the recommended 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA).

Qualifying schools may receive a grant-funded Coach Empowerment Kit which includes a coach stipend! The awarding cycle for the Coach Empowerment Kit starts on July 31st, so sign up to join the interest list today.

*If your school doesn't qualify for the Coach Empowerment Kit, you can still start a run club and access our digital platform, curriculum, and resources by creating a free Marathon Kids account.

Learn More About the Coach Empowerment Kit

Free Program to Track Laps, Miles, and Active Minutes for Girls Running

The Girls Movement program includes a digital platform to help you track laps, miles, and active minutes, ensuring that every girl's progress is celebrated.

With the program, there are 12 lessons that focus on three main goals:

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Build Confidence

Provide a positive coaching approach fosters an environment that empowers participants to set and achieve personal running goals.

Develop Character

Instill strong character values in every participant by emphasizing resilience, determination, and teamwork.

Cultivate Connection

Facilitate meaningful connections among participants, coaches, and the broader community, creating a supportive network that encourages shared experiences.

Coach Empowerment Kit

Thanks to the Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation, we are excited to provide a grant-funded Coach Empowerment Kit to select schools that includes a Coach stipend.

With the Coach Empowerment Kit, we give you all the necessary tools to start your own running program to get girls moving and motivated.

What does the Coach Empowerment Kit include?

  • 1 - Mini Tablet
  • 100 - ID Holders
  • 1 - Device Cover
  • 100 - Incentives
  • $500 Coach Stipend
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*If your school doesn't qualify for the Coach Empowerment Kit, you can still start a run club and access our digital platform, curriculum, and resources by creating a free Marathon Kids account.

Marathon Kids is for free for all schools and communities in the US supporting all kids and can be implemented to meet your organizational needs. 


To be eligible to receive the Coach Empowerment Kit, you and your school must satisfy the below requirements to be considered for selection:


Hold a female running club with 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and/or 8th-grade girls that meets either: before school, after school, and/or during the school day (ie, an all-girl PE class, recess club).

How many can participate?

Each program can determine the number of participants allowed to participate. The Coach Empowerment Kit comes with 100 incentives.


The school must have a Free Reduced Lunch Status of 65% or higher.


Meet 30-60 minutes at least one time a week.

Season Length:

Flexible season length and start/end dates with the requirement of a minimum 8-week season.


Utilize The Girls Movement Curriculum.

Data Reporting:

Record laps completed and/or minutes of heart-pumping activities using the Marathon Kids digital platform/account.

Program Feedback:

Participants will complete The Girls Movement's quick pre-season and post-season surveys.

Receiving these surveys is a requirement directly tied to the stipend.

Impact Statement:

Complete an End of Season Coach Survey to give us feedback and suggestions and report on the impact you noticed during your season.

Receiving this survey is a requirement directly tied to the coach stipend.

join the interest list for
the coach empowerment kit

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The awarding cycle for the Coach Empowerment Kit starts on July 31st. Sign up to join the interest list today!

Current active Marathon Kids coaches are strongly encouraged to apply! 

Marathon Kids coaches can easily create an additional club to track their Girls Movement program separately from their existing activities.

If you are selected to receive the Coach Empowerment Kit, you will be notified with further instructions on how to obtain your kit.

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